Even though Halloween falls in the middle of the week this year, that won’t stop party goers from dressing up and letting loose this weekend and possibly the weekend after Halloween. Statistically speaking, this can be one of the most dangerous times of year for roadway users. Many adult Halloween parties provide alcohol for their guests, and sometimes a party can even revolve around booze. Due to the alcohol consumption by party goers, Halloween weekends have some frightening drunk driving statistics. Statistics taken from this article show that:
- 44% of national fatal crashes during Halloween weekend involved a driver or motorcyclist with a BAC of 0.08 or higher.
- 38% of fatal crashes that occurred on Halloween night involved a driver or motorcyclist with a BAC of 0.08 or higher.
- 23% of pedestrian fatalities on Halloween night included a drunk driver.
When statistics for DUIs across the nation are this high, law enforcement has been known to take extra precautions, such as DUI checkpoints. Additionally, this year as part of a Nationwide crackdown on drunk driving, sobriety checkpoints and driving under the influence patrols are planned through Halloween, according to the Center for Traffic Safety.
At DWI Springfield, we want to make sure that everyone has a fun and safe Halloween, that isn’t overshadowed by a DUI or worse, a death. Below, you’ll find tips to have still have a fun Halloween, without a real life horror show.
Staying Safe on Halloween
As shown above, there is an alarming rate of pedestrian fatalities during Halloween night that were caused by or included a drunk driver. One of the reasons for this is because on Halloween, more than any of the other 364 nights a year, there is an influx of pedestrians of all ages, dressed up in costumes that are designed to blend in with the night. Since most drivers aren’t used to that many pedestrians ever, our perception is ill-prepared for these types of situations. Add alcohol to the mix, and you have a deadly cocktail.
Since pedestrian accidents are higher than most nights, these tips for staying safe this Halloween are for both pedestrians and drivers.
Safety Tips for Pedestrians
- Don’t allow children under the age of 12 to trick or treat or roam the streets without an adult present.
- Give children flashlights, glow bracelets, necklaces, or any other reflective accessory to keep them safe on the sidewalks.
- If you can, avoid high traffic areas.
- Be aware of traffic at all times.
- Follow traffic rules and signals. Use crosswalks and wait for walking signals before crossing a road.
- Don’t drink and walk. Either stay where you are or have a sober friend take you home.
Safety Tips for Drivers
- Be hyper aware of pedestrians around you.
- Be prepared for children darting out into the street, kids will often run into the road without warning.
- Don’t text or call while driving. Remaining aware of your surroundings is more than just being sober. Turn your phone on silent or put it in the backseat to avoid the temptation of reaching for it when you get a notification.
- Don’t drink and drive. Either designate a driver or stay put. Impaired driving will cost you more than just a scary ticket.
- Communicate with other drivers by using turn signals. If you are picking up or dropping off kids, turn on your hazard lights to remind other drivers to slow down and use caution.
The Consequences of a DUI on Halloween
The added cautionary procedures being implemented by law enforcement across the nation are no need for alarm as they are put in place to protect both drivers and pedestrians, alike. However, if you are found to be under the influence and charged with a DUI in Missouri, don’t expect the police to take it easy on you. DUIs in Missouri have serious consequences and can impact the rest of your life, if you are charged and convicted of a DUI in Missouri, you can expect the following penalties:
- If it’s your first time being arrested for a DWI in Missouri you could face up to six months in jail, $1,00 in fines, your license will be taken for 30 days with a 60-90 day restricted license.
- Your second offense could land you in jail for up to one year and up to $2,000 in fines. You will also have your driver’s license revoked for up to 5 years and an ignition interlock device (IID) will be fitted to your vehicle for a minimum of six months.
- Multiple DUI offenses will face up to 4 years in jail and have your license will be revoked for up to 10 years. You could face fines up to $10,000 and your vehicle will have an IID for a minimum of at least six months.
If you do find yourself faced with a DUI charge after this Halloween weekend, contact DWI Springfield for a free consultation. We pride ourselves in helping people eradicate their mistakes, while assisting them in getting their life back, so that a DUI doesn’t haunt them forever.
Have a fun and safe Halloween!
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash