The most frightening thing you experience this Halloween may not be ghosts and ghouls in a haunted house. It may not be vampires or werewolves just beyond the shadows. The real nightmare begins when you choose to drive while intoxicated. DWI Springfield would like to provide this information to keep the nightmare on Elm Street and out of your life.
Increased risks for night driving and social events
When the sun sets, the goblins come out! Trick-or-treaters usually begin prowling the neighborhood well into the dark, evening hours. Often, their costumes offer little provision to increase visibility. Low visibility combined with impaired reactions when driving under the influence may make the difference between life and death.Kids aren’t the only ones that get to dress up on Halloween! Chances are good that someone in your social circle will be throwing a monster ball, and you’re probably invited. If you attend a party where alcoholic beverages are served, do you have a plan to drink responsibly?
Take steps to be proactive in Halloween DWI Prevention with these tips
- Before stepping out, select a designated driver whenever possible. A clear head and good judgment will go a long way to ensure your evening is safe and enjoyable.
- If a designated driver is unavailable, call a taxi cab. Your responsible choices may prevent an accident.
- Consider hotel accommodations on the evening of your event to ensure that nobody drives impaired.
- Avoid any party or social event where illegal drugs are being used.
Driving while high is still impaired driving, and could result in tragic consequences. The perils of driving under the influence during Halloween should be what really scares you. If you find yourself under arrested for a DWI or DUI, make sure to contact DWI Springfield for a free consultations. DWI Springfield has experienced attorneys that will work with you and fight for you. Halloween DWI Prevention should be on top of your list of ways to prepare; for Halloween. Bad things happen to good people. We all make mistakes and we understand that you deserve a second chance.